I have a few sweaters unraveled and yesterday I had a yarn washing adventure. The fastest way to wash a large amount of yarn is to use the tub. This means I need to clean the tub and make sure it’s very thoroughly rinsed out. Then I fill it up with warm water and some mild soap. As I was letting the tub fill I started to gather the yarn and realized that I need to wash way more than my tub can fit. I also realized that I don’t have enough hanging space to hang it all up to dry. I think this means I’ll be doing several rounds of yarn washing. This also means I’ll have a very clean tub several times a week. I’ve had people suggest that you wash the sweaters before unraveling. It does clean them up but the process of unraveling unleashes a lot of stray fibers. There’s also dust and things that I fear may be stuck in the stitches or between the seams that washing the sweater whole won’t get to.
In summation, I have a lot of work to do but at least I enjoy it :)